ここがスゴイ!びんご(府中市) 金毘羅神社は、日本一と言われる石灯篭があるパワースポットです。
Here is amazing! Bingo (Fuchu City) Konpira San is considered Japan's number one power spot, featuring a stone lantern.
The height of Konpira San's stone lantern is said to be 3 Jo (about 9 meters), and the circumference of the Kasaseki (stone cap) is said to be 4 Jo (approximately 3 meters per side). However,
it currently measures 8.38 meters in height from the ground, and the Kasaseki has a side length of 2.62 meters.
In the 7th year of the Bunka era (1810), Miura Kanuemon initiated the construction to worship the Konpira San on Mt. Shozu in Sanuki Province. It took about 30 years to complete.
As one of the few 19th-century stone lanterns in the prefecture with significant cultural value, it stands as a representative stone structure in Fuchu City.